Sunday, January 14, 2024

Why Did I Stop Blogging?

Jane Says it was because my blog lost traffic when it became a Sydney's Mom blog. regardless of the reason, February 2016 was the clear "end" to daily blogging. After reviewing some blogs from 2008-2012 last night, I am really pissed I stopped. I have the greatest stories about Sydney's first 7 years, Brooke's first five, and nothing from 7-15 and 5-13. Looking at the early details, I am so glad that I have them. 

Another thing I noticed is that, at some point, I stopped dressing up. I wonder why? Regardless,  I am vowing to start regularly blogging again, even if it isn't daily. 

Friday, June 22, 2018

"I'm Sorry, We Don't Have Blonde Roast Anymore"

This phrase has become one of the statements I dislike the most. The Starbucks blonde roast is by far the best coffee they have. Starbucks describes it this way: "Starbucks has reimagined how to bring a lighter taste to our coffees. Our 40 year history of sourcing, roasting, and blending the highest quality coffee in the world allowed us to create a recipe that yields a great-tasting, perfectly balanced cup of light roast coffee. This is Starbucks first light roast coffee. The name “Starbucks® Blonde Roast” reflects our roasting artistry and indicates a coffee that is light bodied and flavorful – our easiest-drinking coffee."

Wow, that sounds pretty good right? And it is good, it's really good. Here's the bad part: If you show up at Starbucks after 10:00AM and they will say "I'm Sorry, We Don't Have Blond Roast Anymore".  But the problem is, that's not true.  It's available, they just don't want to go to the extra work to make it for you. So, now I always say "Can I get it in a pour over?" To which the barista will usually attempt to discourage me: "Well, yeah, I guess,  but you will have to wait. It will be a little while, is that ok?" "Yes, that's fine"

Starbucks: (1) Make the blonde roast all day (2) Don't tell me you don't have it

Monday, March 27, 2017

It's Been 122 Days

Larry remains my most faithful blog reader. He has been reminding me for weeks that I was approaching 122 days without a blog. So sad, actually #sad

I was blogging before hashtags were even a thought but since the end of 2015 my blogging has been poor at best. 

So today on the 122nd day without a blog I will post a "share the joy" blog as we celebrate Larry getting his first truck this weekend!!! And gold color, I think it's suits him just perfectly. 

Congrats, Larry!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

As Seen In The Jungle

I headed into the bathroom
In the jungle outside of Puerta Vallarta and was surprised to find an amusing sign. Well done Vallerta Adventures.

Monday, July 11, 2016

Thursday, June 30, 2016

That Moment When....

Operation Grand Slam turns into Operation Flaming Hot Cheetos Puffs


That moment when Kim eats a whole bag of Flaming Hot Cheetos Puffs

Monday, June 27, 2016

Travel Dork

When you travel frequently, it's the little things you notice.

Me excited this morning: "Oh wow, look at the new black bins!"


Sunday, May 08, 2016

Donut Friend

Mothers Day dinner consisted of donuts....yep donuts. 

Donut friend is like Chipotle for donuts. Sydney chose to have her donut stuffed with peanut butter and topped with maple glaze and sprinkles. I had the same but stuffed with whipped cream. David's was similar except stuffed with Bavarian Cream. Brooke had traditional glazed with sprinkles. Sydneys was the best donut I had ever had. 

I'm sure we will go back.





Happy Mothers Day From My Girls

The best.....words can't describe how much I love these, my tears are a good indication though.




Friday, May 06, 2016

Attentive Girls

So proud of these two today!!! Both received Student of the Month Honors.

Thursday, April 28, 2016

Lost Target Earrings

I'm trying to boycott Target. It's my favorite store and it's only been a week. Most of the stuff i get on Amazon Prime

Ask me how disappointed I was today when I asked Jane where I got these earrings and she said Target. Darn it. How long can I last avoiding Target?


Sunday, April 24, 2016

22 Is Perfect

Sydney and I changed our desired temperature (72F) to Celsius because it's so much better!